Planter Kit

Category :
Soil Nutrients
Element :
Orgocalc -10 kg, Supercalc - 10 kg, Jivant NPK - 10 kg, Jivant Potash - 10 kg, GV MAg - 6 kg, Zincspark - 5 kg
Dose :
1 Kit/Acre
Usage :
Apply as Base or Supplementary fertilizer in any Crop.
Available In :
51 kg


Advantages of using Planter Kit…

  • The secondary elements, micronutrients and various acids and hormones required for the crop are contained in a single kit, enabling the crop to produce high-quality produce.
  • Useful in every crop including Kharif, Ravi, semi-winter, vegetables, horticulture, fruits and flowers in Gujarat.
  • Regarding all the products included in the kit, understand the benefits according to the product given in the catalog.

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