Jivant Bio NPK

Category :
Bio Fertilizers
Element :
CFU/gm-NFB, PSB, KSB and other natural ingredients
Dose :
50 to 100 kg per acre
Usage :
apply as base or supplementary fertilizer in any crop
Available In :
50 kg


Bio NPK is a type of biofertilizer that contains a consortium of beneficial microorganisms that help to fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphate, and mobilize potash in the soil. These nutrients are essential for plant growth, and by providing them in a more readily available form, Bio NPK can help to improve crop yields and overall plant health.

Advantages of using Jivant Bio N.P.K.

  • By fixing the nitrogen in the air, it makes the unavailable phosphorus and potash available inside the earth for release.
  • Promotes heathy development of crop roots, flowers, and fruits.
  • Promotes sustainable agriculture by reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers.
  • Being organic there is no leaching and wastage of nutrients.


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