Super Calc

Category :
Bio Fertilizers
Element :
PSF (1x10^6 Spores/gm.), Silica, Sulphur, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Ferrous, Copper, Boron, Manganese, Amino and Humic acids.
Dose :
25 to 50 kg/Acre
Usage :
Apply as Base or Supplementary fertilizer in any Crop.
Available In :
25 kg (laminated bag)


Advantages of using Super Calc…

  • The inclusion of elements other than N.P.K. relieves the hustle of adding different elements to the Soil.
  • Controlling the pH Score makes the soil more Fertile and Productive.
  • The granular structure and the water dissolving properties are very useful in the development and nutrition of Plants in a very short time.
  • Nutrient rich grains, easy to use, low cost and savings in farming costs.
  • The PSF bacteria in the supercalc make available the unavailable phosphorus in the soil.
  • Supercalc is the best cure to restore soil fertility for decades ago.

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