Jivant Pseudomonas

Category :
Bio Pesticides
Element :
Pseudomonas Fluorescens 1.0% W.P. (CFU : 10 x 20^8 / gm.)
Dose :
1 Kg. / Acre
Usage :
Manure, mixed with organic compost, flour or sand and applied in standing crop
Available In :
1 Kg. (Pouch)


Advantages of using Jivant Pseudomonas…

  • Effective control of soil borne fungi.
  • This fungus produces certain types of substances and antibiotics to control the biological control of various fungi.
  • The substances produced during the physiological process promote the growth of plants.
  • The use of JIVANT PSEUDOMONAS does not pollute the soil, water and air so is safe and secure for the environment.
  • Low cost compared to chemical deworming.
  • Pathogenic fungi cannot build up their immunity using JIVANT PSEUDOMONAS

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